"The Pool"
"The Pool" is a season-long college football pick 'em contest. You pick 5 new teams to win straight up each week, earning extra points for upsets
By clicking the button below, you are entering 2024 "The Pool" College Football Pick 'Em Super Contest
You have already entered "The Pool" - please make your picks on "The Pool" homepage
- Rules Summary
- The buy-in is $100 / person
- Venmo @james-bourque-2 (last four digits 1054)
- Your entry is not considered valid until your payment has been received
- Each week you will pick 5 college football teams to win (straight up win, NOT against the spread)
- You may select games throughout the weekend (e.g., Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday etc.) as long as the team is eligible to be picked and the game has not started yet
- There is no deadline to submit your picks. Games will auto-lock at kick-off (i.e., you will not be able to pick a game once it has started)
- Once you pick a team during the season, you cannot pick them again
- You are given schools from the following conferences (and independent schools): The American, ACC, Big Ten, Big 12, Mountain West, Pac-12, SEC, Notre Dame, UMass, and UConn
- The contest will begin Week 1 (Labor Day weekend) and run through Week 14 (weekend of Thanksgiving)
- Payouts will be as follows of the total contest pot:
- First place: 35%
- Second place: 15%
- Third place: 10%
- Fourth place: 7%
- Fifth place: 3%
- Percentage allocated in total to weekly winners: 30%
- With 14 Weeks, each week’s winner will receive ~2% of the total pot
- If multiple people tie for first in a given week, then the prize will be split equally
- For scoring purposes, each week, the teams will be grouped into tiers based on their ranking
- God Tier: the team that is ranked #1
- Tier 1: the teams that are ranked #2 - 5
- Tier 2: the teams that are ranked #6 - 10
- Tier 3: the teams that are ranked #11 - 15
- Tier 4: the teams that are ranked #16 - 20
- Tier 5: the teams that are ranked #21 - 25
- Tier 6: the teams that are unranked
- The point scoring is as follows:
- 1 point for a higher ranked team beating a team in the same or lower tier
- 2 points if the winner if one tier level below their opponent
- 3 points if the winner is two tiers below their opponent
- 4 points if the winner is three tiers below their opponent
- 5 points if the winner is four tiers below their opponent
- 6 points if the winner is five tiers below their opponent
- 10 points if your winner is unranked and upsets the #1 ranked team
- If all five of your schools win on a given weekend, you will be awarded one bonus point
- We will use the Associated Press’ Rankings from the start of the season until the first College Football Rankings are released
- If there is a tie for first, second, third, fourth or fifth place at the conclusion of Week 14, a tiebreaker scenario will be implemented where the competitors will select sides based on predetermined point spreads of the below conference championship games
- Additionally, the competitors will assign confidence points with “5” being the most confident and “1” being the least confident to their point spread selections.
- SEC (Saturday, December 7th)
- Big Ten (Saturday, December 7th)
- ACC (Saturday, December 7th)
- Big 12 (Saturday, December 7th)